Monday, March 30, 2020

Emerald Bay

One of my favorite memories our family has ever had is this day we spent together in Emerald Bay, Tahoe California. We took a little inflatable boat out to the island in the bay. There is remnant of a beautiful little stone house at the top of the island. We loved exploring the island, and had a yummy picnic lunch on some flat stones we found. After we ate we swam in the water a little and then started to row back. During our trip back our ore-lock broke and one of our paddles drifted out of reach. We all laughed and began to row towards the paddle with one ore. Just as I reached out to grab it, it quickly sunk down far into the cold water. Andrew was on my lap so I couldn’t jump in after it. My strong handsome husband paddled us all back to shore with one ore. We then took a trip to the ice cream store before going back to our camp. When we got back to camp we went to the family camp campfire and had a fun evening. That was also the year we had MANY bears in our campsite. Almost every night I had to wake Justin because we had to chase a mom and her three bear cubs out of our campsite. They just loved rummaging through our stuff. Even Sara woke up and got to see them one night! 

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