Thursday, May 24, 2018

My Boy

I captured this sweet moment when Andrew  lovingly rested his hand on my arm while eating his cereal. These precious moments with this little boy melt my heart. He is the sweetest little boy on earth. I don’t know why I am so luckey to get to be his mom. He is constantly hugging and cuddling me, telling me how much he loves me, picking me flowers, and wanting to spend time with me. I tell him all the time that he is like a part of my body because he is from me. We have such a special bond and love each other so very much. I love each moment I get to spend with him. I love reading him books at night. Our favorite books are The Ox Cart Man, Quick as a Cricket, the Little Indian, The Little Eskimo, Good Night Sweet Butterflies, The Maggie B, Blueberries for Sal and Miss Rumphious. We also love playing outside together. Our favorite things to play are basketball, soccer, and badmitten. This year he is doing Kindergarden homeschool so I get to be his teacher. I love teaching him. He loves to learn and is a quick learner. He has great stamina to conscentrate. He wants to be an inventor when he grows up and make a real transformer, among a lot of other things. 
Andrew also loves to pray. He prays every time we pray as a family. He prays everyday for the Scott family to “not miss Molly too much” and he prayes for all his extended family.  His prayers are amazingly sweet, heartfelt, and well thought out. I am constantly impressed. I love this little boy more than I can say with words. He has the sweetest and funniest little personality and I love that I get to spend all my days with him. We both pray we will live for a long long time so we can live together for many many years. He doesn’t plan on ever getting married so that we can always be together. 😂 I’m sure he will change his mind someday but if he doesn’t I will be one happy lady! 💙 

Sunday, May 20, 2018


My friend started a workout outreach in the park near our home. It has been fun to be a part of the group and to see strangers walk up and join our workout! It’s a neat way to connect with the community here. There is a theme to each workout. TotalFit is a workout program that address the total body (body, mind and spirit). She talkes about different themes in each workout (perseverence, forgiveness). Yesterday she told the story of Joseph and how he was able to forgive. 

My Chalkboard

I love my chalkboard. I have had one ever since the kids were very young. It has been so helpful in teaching so many different things to the kids. I guess I am a visual learner, so I like to draw things when explaining them to the kids. I have drawn so many different things for kids over the years. I’m not an artest, but just even simple symbols can help kids understand complex concepts. I was so worried when we moved here to Kazakhstan that I wouldn’t have a good chalkboard. I beggged Justin to let me carry mine on the plane (it was just a bit too big). But God provided an amazing chalkboard here, which I found at a local bazaar. I love it and have used it even more now that we are homeschooling. I also love that chalk is available here, and cheap. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Happy Birthday Sara!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little spunky, sunshine Sara! I love you Sara Grace! From the moment I laid eyes on your cute, sweet little face I was in love with you and you have been a joy to us for 10 years now! I can’t believe I get to be your mom. You are an amazing little person. You are loving, compassionate, a great helper to me, and so smart. I love being with you. I love to snuggle and cuddle you. I love listening to you play the violin. I am so excited to see what God does with your life. You are going to be a really fun and crazy pre-teen. Oh what fun we will have in your 10th year little crazy girl! ðŸĪŠðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜ 

I love you so much Sunshine Sara 🌞ðŸŒŧ🌟✨ðŸ’Ŧ☀️